I am so glad you made it, friend! Chances are, you've landed on here with the intention of finding the answers to your most profound business questions in big, bold letters. After celebrating anniversary after anniversary in your business, you're ready to slingshot your growth to the stars and really make a significant impact on your community. 

But you hesitate. Why? 

Perhaps you've already seen growth in sales, but don't know why it's not translating into more money in your bank account. Or maybe you have a lot of moving parts (several locations, a handful of team members, lots of expensive equipment) and feel a bit too overwhelmed at present to look toward the future. You may even be experiencing "imposter syndrome," and can't believe the success you've had to this point! 

Here's the thing - you are on an incredible journey, bringing together a talented team, and spending your days (and nights) diving into what sets your heart on fire. Your reach-for-the-stars dream matters!

Because your dream is what is going to make a difference in the lives of others, you need to feel empowered to take control of your business finances. You and I both know setting your finances straight doesn’t require a ton of “mindset” work. You need to roll up your sleeves, retrieve that username and password to your bookkeeping software, and soak it all in. 

You will have to be okay with the tough truths that may come out of your reports (the story of your money). Acknowledging excess spending or even underbuying can make a world of difference for many business owners. 

Together, we can engineer a strategy for your financial success.

"The information shared was valuable and actionable"

Colleen was very organized. This was tremendously important to me as I was paying her time, therefore my time was also very valuable. I appreciated that she made the most of the time we had, came prepared for a conversation and brought examples to work from. The information shared was valuable and actionable. I liked the idea of long term goals and short term goals. That way, I feel achieved but still get to set my sights high. I LOVE that she is there for me. She makes me feel important and if all else fails this alone gives me faith in her as a mentor. I 100% know that I will be booking another mentor session and it will be worth every penny. Thank you for the support, advice, and help!

- Krista Hove

"Made my launch and first few months run so much smoother"

I absolutely adored taking the Workshop! Having resources that you can refer to for a new business is so very important and helpful when you are just getting started. I especially appreciated Colleen’s portion on finances. I can tell you that after a couple years with my first business and messy financials, having the basics described and set out for me for my second business has made my launch and first few months run so much smoother. Colleen gave us a basic plan to setup our business finances that was beyond helpful, as well as suggesting multiple other tools, books and resources to help us along the way. Since she has a finance background, she knows the ins and outs of what needs to be done which is super helpful. I would suggest it to any fledgling business owners that I know.